Over at the Corner, I keep reading about how Palin doesn't answer the moderator's questions. No one answers the questions in these debates. Anyone who actually answers the question is considered simplistic or cocky. People, even at the Corner, confuse "New to Washington" with "New to Politics." Palin is an experienced politician; she knows how to play the game. I'd much prefer that they would all answer the questions that are asked; I'd also like to see more fourth-down conversion attempts in the NFL (see this very insightful article), but that also isn't the way the game is played.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
The one with the most on the line was Ifill. Palin has two more years as governor in the worst case, Biden can look forward to a highly remunerative retirement on multiple corporate boards. Ifill, on the other hand, could wind up standing on the corner, next to Dan Rather, holding a cardboard sign reading "Will Slant for Money." It looks like she gets away with it. Not because she's innocent, but because she knows how to lie low until the heat is off (is that slang completely out of date, now?)